A task and finish partnership to oversee the development of a new community centre in Nunthorpe, as stated in the Nunthorpe Nineteen Commitments. 'Task and finish' means a group set up to complete a specific task.
The group will oversee the design of a new, sustainable community centre to meet the needs of the Nunthorpe community, and establish long-term management arrangements for the centre.
The Infrastructure Group will be formed by a sub-group of members from the Nunthorpe Vision Group.
Members will include:
Nunthorpe Parish Council Chair
Nunthorpe Community Council Chair
ward Councillors
Nunthorpe and Marton Playing Field Association
Nunthorpe Institute
Nunthorpe school academies
Middlesbrough Council officers as needed for agenda items
subject specialists, invited by the Chairs of Nunthorpe Parish Council/Nunthorpe Community Council, as needed for agenda items
Getting your views heard
If you want to suggest any topics for the group to discuss, please speak to one of the community groups listed above.