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Stainton and Thornton Neighbourhood Plan background information

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A successful referendum on the adoption of the Stainton and Thornton Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 3 March 2022. View the Stainton and Thornton Neighbourhood Plan referendum 2022 results.

Independent examiner, examination, and decision statement

Following the independent examination, the Examiner issued his report on the 14 December 2021. In the report, the Examiner recommended a number of modifications to the proposed policies, so that the Plan and its policies met the 'basic conditions'.

The report also recommended additional minor modifications to improve clarity. Full details of the 'basic conditions' against which the Plan was examined, the recommended modifications, and reasons for these, can be found in the examiner's report and recommendations document.

View the Stainton and Thornton Neighbourhood Plan 2021-2036 incorporating the Examiner's recommendations.

Having considered the Examiner's report, we accept the recommended modifications, and agree that the 2021-2036 Stainton and Thornton Neighbourhood Plan can now proceed to a referendum. View our decision statement. The referendum will take place on Thursday 3 March 2022.

Stainton and Thornton draft Neighbourhood Plan

Stainton and Thornton Parish Council submitted its draft Neighbourhood Plan for examination on 3 June 2021. In line with Neighbourhood Planning legislation, the council carried out a six-week public consultation event from Monday 5 July to Monday 16 August 2021. Following the consultation, an independent public examination into the draft Neighbourhood Plan is now underway. Patrick Whitehead - DipTP (Nott) MRTPI has been appointed by the council, with the agreement of the Parish Council, to carry out the examination.

Independent Examiner questions

The Independent Examiner has completed an initial assessment of the Stainton and Thornton Neighbourhood Plan and has issued the following examination questions for both the Stainton and Thornton Parish Council and Middlesbrough Council to answer. Copies of both our responses will be added to this page in the interests of openness and transparency.

Responses to the Independent Examiner questions

The following responses have been given to the Independent Examiner questions:

Documentation submitted to the Independent Examiner

Consultation representations and responses

The following representations and documentation were received as part of our six week consultation event (as required under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended):