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Warm spaces business signup

Calling all businesses, faith, education, and community venues - we need you!

Middlesbrough Council, along with other service providers in the area, are opening their doors to give a warm welcome to residents this winter. We know that this winter is going to be difficult, so we're making sure that buildings are open for anyone who needs them. These will be warm, welcoming spaces for people to stay warm, get support, or meet other people, at little or no cost.

Who is this for?


Our warm spaces are open to any Middlesbrough resident. There is no criteria or referral needed to visit a warm space.

How can I help?


We're looking for community venues - halls, cafés, community centres, faith and education buildings, etc., and you can provide anything from a seat to a whole space for people to come inside, keep warm, and feel safe, then you can help. Some venues can just provide space for people to sit, some can provide warm refreshments, some can provide signposting or space for service providers to come in and give advice to residents. Whether you can provide some or all of the services, we're grateful for your help.

What do I need?


A safe venue for people to feel welcome is all you need to get started. We will send you a checklist and literature to guide you to get up and running, if you need help.

We are already providing this informally - how can we join up and get advertised?


If you're already using your spaces to welcome people, thank you! Please let us know using the contact details below, so we can advertise your space to residents. Your venue will be included on our 'heat map' of the town, as well as on the warm spaces page, our social media, and Love Middlesbrough magazine.

We can provide advice to residents, but we do not have public premises - can we still be involved?


Absolutely. Please get in touch using the contact details below, and we'll be happy to discuss the options available. We'll talk to you about which venues you can attend, at which dates and times.

Who do I need to contact?


For more information or to sign up, email livewellcentre@middlesbrough.gov.uk or call 01642 727590 (Live Well Centre reception). We'll send you a venue pack either electronically or through the post to get you started.

Funding may be available to help you with electricity, heating, and refreshments if you sign up (criteria may apply for funding).