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Scrap metal dealer licence

Anyone who wants to go into business as a scrap metal dealer must have a licence. Licences last for three years. Trading without one is a criminal offence.

There are two types of licence specified in the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 - Collector's Licence and Site Licence.

Please note, a dealer can only hold one type of licence in a local authority area; you must decide whether you're going to have a Site Licence or a (mobile) Collector's Licence in Middlesbrough.

Read more about the relevant legislation.

Collector's Licence


This allows the licensee to operate as a collector in the area of the issuing local authority. It doesn't allow the collector to operate in any other local authority area, so a separate licence has to be obtained from each council in each area the collector wishes to operate in. The Collector's Licence doesn't authorise the licensee to operate a site; to do so they'll need a Site Licence (see below) from the relevant local authority.


New: £150

Renewal: £150

Variation: £50

Any variation that adds one or more sites to a licence (including a variation from a collector to a site licence) will incur an additional cost of £65 per site for each year remaining on the licence. A variation to change a site, without adding additional sites, will incur a one-off cost of £65 for each site changed.

Minor variation: £15 (change of personal details, i.e. name and address)

Site Licence


All sites where a licensee carries on business as a scrap metal dealer have to be identified, and a site manager has to be named for each site. The Site Licence allows the licensee to transport scrap metal to and from these sites from any local authority area.


New: £350 (+ £195 for each additional site)

Renewal: £270 (+ £195 for each additional site)

Variation: £50

Any variation that adds one or more sites to a licence (including a variation from a collector to a site licence) will incur an additional cost of £65 per site for each year remaining on the licence. A variation to change a site, without adding additional sites, will incur a one-off cost of £65 for each site changed.

Minor variation: £15 (change of personal details, i.e. name and address)

How to apply


You can apply for registration using the scrap metal license application form.

To tell us about a change to your existing registration, please contact the Licensing team via email to licensing@middlesbrough.gov.uk or on 01642 728011.

Scrap metal license application form

What happens next?


Applications are subject to a 28 day consultation period.

You won't be able to start your business until your registration is confirmed.

Redress information


In case of dispute or to appeal a decision, please contact the Licensing team via email to licensing@middlesbrough.gov.uk or on 01642 728011.

Customer complaint


If you're a customer of a licensed/registered premises and wish to complain about the service or products sold, we would advise you to contact the premises in the first instance to resolve the matter. If the matter can't be resolved, please contact the Licensing team via email to licensing@middlesbrough.gov.uk or on 01642 728011.