The Blue Badge scheme helps people with mobility problems by letting them park in spaces which are closer to their destination.
The Independence Hub runs the Blue Badge scheme for Middlesbrough. We can tell you about who's eligible for a badge, help you to apply, and also tell you how and where the badge can be used. We also carry out any assessments which are needed as part of the application for a Blue Badge.
We check all Blue Badge applications to see if you're eligible or not. To do this, we'll look at any evidence you've given, talk to professionals, and in some cases we'll ask you to do a walking assessment.
Our team includes an Independent Mobility Assessor, a qualified NHS Occupational Therapist, who will do the walking assessment. It will include talking to you about your difficulties, and a physical walking examination so the Independent Mobility Assessor can see your difficulties.
To find out more and apply for your Blue Badge now, go to the Blue Badge page.