To make sure you get the right support, we need a proper assessment of your needs and circumstances.
When you contact us, the people you'll speak to are called the 'Adult Single Point of Access Team'.
When you speak to the Adult Single Point of Access Team, they'll do an initial assessment to decide how urgent your situation is. We may ask you, your family, or your doctor for more information which we use to help us decide how quickly you need a more in-depth assessment.
We can deal with a large number of initial enquiries very quickly, and we can give help and advice over the phone and by letter.
If we think you need a more detailed assessment, we'll pass your information on to a social worker. The social worker will contact you within 10 working days to arrange a full assessment of your needs. The document that a social worker will complete with you during the assessment is called the Care Needs Record.
The time it takes to carry out your assessment will depend on how urgent your situation is. We work this out from the information you give when you first contact us. We aim to complete the assessment section of the Care Needs Record within 28 days, and we'll let you know if there are any delays.