The LADO process should be used where there are concerns that a staff member's behaviour in their job or personal life might suggest that they're not suitable to work with adults.
They may have:
- behaved in a way which has, or may have, harmed an adult
- possibly committed a criminal offence against, or related to, an adult
- behaved in a way which indicates that they are unsuitable to work with adults
It is your duty to report your concerns immediately to the Access Safeguarding Team.
LADO referrals must be made using the adult LADO referral form (DOCX) and sent to
Where LADO procedures are followed, a LADO panel will be held. This is a multi-agency meeting which will include the PIPOT's employer, and may also include representatives from the police, HR, and the CQC.
If the panel decides the allegation is unfounded: there will be no social care or police investigation.
If the panel decides the allegation is founded: there may be disciplinary proceedings, a report to DBS and the professional regulator (for example, Social Work England), or potential criminal proceedings.
- is the adult safe?
- make sure you document everything
- do not investigate
If in doubt, get advice from the LADO by contacting the Access Safeguarding Team on 01642 065070.